Thursday, December 9, 2010


Americans say we don't have jobs, our factory's are gone, the housing prices are up, theres no money in the schools, we don't have this or that, and then we have these billionaires running for the highest office in the country and some of us have the audacity to say we will vote for them and hopes for change.  I'm going to ask you to do something lets take a look back at the 2008 election when this Senator came on the scene with Hope and Change then lets fast forward to 2010 when these people Tea Party and suck came on the scene and said lets shoot him down by making sure everything he spoke about will not work, yet inspite of it we see victories all across the board....So here we are today saying we need jobs jobs jobs, this Visionary has come up with a plan that will save not just you but your children s future with his Job Bill in order to see it you have to take a look inside and see where you you see that new factory over there being built in america, how about that energy plant over there that you came up with, farmers able to treat there goods as farmers and not max production sites, did you see that house that you sold at an affordable American dream rate, or right across the street you see you child learning science and math at a rate that insure them of a better empire for them and their children, running home with smiles on their faces because they know they are getting the best education because the teacher are excited about what they are teaching.....Inside the Jobs Plan is Creativity, if they want to outsource the work to different coiuntries who sell cheaper goods at a high rate we contradict them by establishing or re creating new factories nothing new just new people with new minds and want nto see an effective change by enforcing the jobs bill already on the table and oing our part, we can rebuild this country if we stand up to the change that is ready to be enforced all we have to do is ustilize our engery to be sure that its enforced we don't need a new President, we need likeminded people to work with our current President, now don't get me wrong I may not agree with everything the President Obama does but I trust him as the man I elected to bring this country back to its status, but how can he do it unless we help him enforce the laws and we do that by not having a bunch of people in office who don't have the same mind of course I understand offense and defense but if they are both reaching for one commo0n goal wich is the good of the land and its people then we win the war....that war is to change or remain the same doing the same things the same way we have always done them, every now and agin we have to stand up for whats right rather we agree or disagree if its going to make things better for the next gneration then lets do it with a little less crumbling.  I say this a lot about slavery the same people who brought the black man over here and enslaved him is still turning on his brother because of his greed so its no longer just a group of people it is massive groups of people, yet the bottom line is this the way the conqueror is to catch you off guard (thus the 2010 election) then to divide you in the occupy movement afraid to say who you represent well hell if you don't like whats happening since all this started why wouldn't you stick with Hope for Change.....I admit it took our President awhile to believe that people just don't want to work together...Put  he never lost focus are you, vote For Obama and Biden and watch the world change.

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