Thursday, October 28, 2010


Question derived from just friendly conversation about our country and where its headed.

Take a look around our country America and ask your self these questions:

Whose working most in this country and whose not?
Who owns the majority of the businesses?
Are all our trade secrets and banking secrets no longer secrets because of IT system today?
Are we beginning to look like a third world country in regards to racism and violence?

Who sold us out and where did it begin?

Look around your neighborhood do you see any mom and pop shops?
Do you see any family owned barbecue shacks?
Who owns almost all the gas stations?

Is your conscience seared to the point you can't see that change is a must?
Is your discernment on off because the love of money has caused you to become blind ?


  1. As a nation we have become very greedy! Nobody wants to work for a living, they expect a huge paycheck for showing up. This is not how it works, and we can see that from who is taking the jobs. You have to put in some blood sweat and tears before the prosperity takes hold. I have lost a great job before and had to settle for a JOB that I despised, but I needed to take care of my family it was no one elses responsibility.

    Quit worrying about status symbols (ie cars, clothes, jewelry) and invest in yourself! Get an education, open up your own business it is great to be your own boss!

    I am fortunate to have a few "mom and pop" businesses in my community but I know that so many have closed down and continue to. Stay loyal to those business and lets help each other prosper in this country and take back what is rightfully ours!

  2. Sassy you speak the sentiments of my heart, many of us need to reach out one for the other. America needs help so join me in voting on Nov. 2

  3. I hope and pray that you support our leader in his efforts for effective change in this country, your platform talks about creating jobs and rail for the doing so I hope your eyes see who is working in this country and who is not, and I'm not talking black and white because we have both become minority in the areas of employment, business owners and such, looking toward the future we must change with our eyes wide open and think about Americans regaining their position as the leaders in this country,,,take a look around.
