Thursday, December 22, 2011

Americans Lets Prepare to Win!!!!

Voter Id New Hampshire

As the fight continues over a slew of new voting lawspassed by Republicans across the country in 2011 -- including requiring voters to present photo identification at the polls, a measure that could hurt Democrats in the 2012 presidential election -- the media and political scrum over the issue alone has caused major confusion in some key primary states.
In New Hampshire, various voting-rights groups are especially concerned that misinformation might affect voters in Tuesday's primary races.

Alright eveyone lets keep this sane and leave out the insanity we have to stick together

 If you want to know whats going on with our President I say a good source would be MSNBC I watch the ed show most times and they pretty much tell it like it is and combat all the negative things being said about our president with facts to back it up. 
We must learn to support those who are at least trying to make a difference. 
 I am going to keep saying this in my post we are said to be 99% vs 1% if the 99% of us go for one common goal then who has the power we do but if we divide then they win...
We are headed into 2012 we have to be positive about what we want to see happen in our country and take our voices our votes and make sure we re-elect a party that is going to be strong to look out for us, and even then they may not get it all right but at least we will be on the road to recovery. 
Lets win everyone lets show these republicans that they aren't in control the way they think. 
That's my prayer fight with power not with insanity because that gets the same results.
 Lord bring more confusion  within their own ranks like never before so that the things they sought to do to this country has more of an effect on them then the people who love you and the country we live in. Selah

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