Thursday, December 22, 2011

Americans Lets Prepare to Win!!!!

Voter Id New Hampshire

As the fight continues over a slew of new voting lawspassed by Republicans across the country in 2011 -- including requiring voters to present photo identification at the polls, a measure that could hurt Democrats in the 2012 presidential election -- the media and political scrum over the issue alone has caused major confusion in some key primary states.
In New Hampshire, various voting-rights groups are especially concerned that misinformation might affect voters in Tuesday's primary races.

Alright eveyone lets keep this sane and leave out the insanity we have to stick together

 If you want to know whats going on with our President I say a good source would be MSNBC I watch the ed show most times and they pretty much tell it like it is and combat all the negative things being said about our president with facts to back it up. 
We must learn to support those who are at least trying to make a difference. 
 I am going to keep saying this in my post we are said to be 99% vs 1% if the 99% of us go for one common goal then who has the power we do but if we divide then they win...
We are headed into 2012 we have to be positive about what we want to see happen in our country and take our voices our votes and make sure we re-elect a party that is going to be strong to look out for us, and even then they may not get it all right but at least we will be on the road to recovery. 
Lets win everyone lets show these republicans that they aren't in control the way they think. 
That's my prayer fight with power not with insanity because that gets the same results.
 Lord bring more confusion  within their own ranks like never before so that the things they sought to do to this country has more of an effect on them then the people who love you and the country we live in. Selah

Friday, December 16, 2011



On Feb. 13, 2009, Congress passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 at the urging of President Obama, who signed it into law four days later. A direct response to the economic crisis, the Recovery Act has three immediate goals:
  • Create new jobs and save existing ones
  • Spur economic activity and invest in long-term growth
  • Foster unprecedented levels of accountability and transparency in government spending
The Recovery Act intended to achieve those goals by:
  • Providing $288 billion in tax cuts and benefits for millions of working families and businesses*
  • Increasing federal funds for entitlement programs, such as extending unemployment benefits, by $224 billion*
  • Making $275 billion available for federal contracts, grants and loans*
  • Requiring recipients of Recovery funds to report quarterly on how they are using the money. 
  • All the data is posted on so the public can track the Recovery funds.
In addition to offering financial aid directly to local school districts, expanding the Child Tax Credit, and underwriting the computerization health records, the Recovery Act is targeted at infrastructure development and enhancement.
So therefore President Obama vision for the recovery of the economy did not begin in 2011 he started during his first election campaign and put into practice in 2009 and is ongoing in 2011.  His message of Hope and Change is spelled out in his vision of the Recovery Act direct response to America’s economic crisis.
The blindness of the Republican Congress has caused them to be dull and insensible, they have no feelings, they have fallen into a slumber or stupor, meaning they have fallen into ruin defined as a way they cannot cover or are they simply making false steps of unbelief giving credit to a few possible who may have some faith in the American Dream.
President Obama’s insight helps him understand this country has not been ruined without hope of Recovery, he foresees a better day on the horizon with the belief this country shall rise again in its prosperity for all.
The difference between the Republican congress and our President is blindness verse foresight. The republican’s present rejections will be disallowed quickly because of God’s reception to or for his people.
Americas economic crisis will be reconciled under the Obama Administration, keep reading to find out why.
Encourage every republican Christian and alike to read and understand what God is saying by reading Romans 11 chapter.  Look at it in relation to what’s going on in American Politics, the 99% vs. 1%.
Rich, evil, greed, Jealous, or hatred wherever you fit, in the Republican stupor to take down the President, how hard will you have to fall, fall being one of the above adjectives, meaning the riches of the world.  The good thing is the just shall benefit from your fall with the richness of God’s grace and goodness falling upon the 99%.
Our President is liken unto an olive tree he was separated and chosen by God for a unique purpose as a cultivate olive tree which refers to the place of God’s blessing (which is the meaning of his name by the way), hold on just work with me here,  everything connected to Hope is belief and shall be blessed.
If you look at the olive tree (his) natural branches were broken off but if you look at the wild branches of the Recovery Act you see they were grafted in because of the promise of hope, not because of any goodness of the president or any merit but because of his strength to be a president son of a gun (in my President Obama voice)
The Republicans didn’t support the root but the root supported them and in the eyes of the American people he appeared weak (things aren’t always as they appear) however he was simply not being high-minded because of his status as President, he just understood inside his fear, he had an ear to hear the cry’s of the American homeless, the education of children, the veterans, the middle class without jobs, the poor without health care, and ongoing issues in the land.
Now to the 99%   
We must not put all your hard work and efforts  in vain but we must believe and consider both the goodness (kindness) and severity (sternness of God).
We must continue in the goodness of God by choosing to re-elect Hope for change or Recovery.
We must understand by doing so we will continue to receive the blessing of God that is about to explode and baffle the worlds markets.
We must understand that it is through this President God is going to make a shift in wealth by grafting us into the continued growth of Americas wealth.
We must allow God to continue to cultivate the olive tree (President Obama) to assist us in becoming a permanent part of America wealth in the midst of the wild branches.
What is your prospect? Can we work together or do we continue with the same old bull?
We have to help our President take the fight to them……
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the minority leader, said this year that his first goal was to see Mr. Obama defeated.
I think it is unprecedented of a leader in the Senate of either party to say the most important goal he has is to make the current president a one-term,” said Senator Barbara Boxer, Democrat of California. “That is about respect, that is about priorities and it is just wrong.
Jay-Z has a message for President Obama: Read my lips– Raise my taxes/

Singer indicated his support for a tax hike as the President and congressional Republicans duel over competing proposals for extending a payroll-tax cut for working Americans that’s set to expire on Jan. 1

The GOP will let this country go into a full blown depression before they work with Obama on anything.
Die hard, you are correct and that is so sad. This is not a game. We are talking about people lives here. Blows my mind.
TO: Jim in Dallas who wrote:
“Obama has taken this country down all by himself, well, himself and his cronies…”
Republicans took this country down all by themselves, before President Obama was even sworn in, and it was Republicans who lied to everybody in order to start and expensive and unnecessary war in an Oil Rich Country for their own personal benefit and at OUR expense.
Republicans lied to Congress, they lied to the American People, and they LIED to everyone in the entire world so that they could control the 2nd largest oil fields in the world, and they did EXACTLY that!
So don’t give me that crap about any of this being President Obama’s fault!