Specialadi's ExpressUrSelf Blog
America the beautiful has she lost her savior because of greed...take a look around you and ask your self what do you see. Is there a need for Change from the old regime into the new? Just what are your thoughts? Express yourself and lets see what type of difference we can make. Have we gotten so beyond our Morals that we bash the leaders of our country through media sources so the whole world can see. Have we killed them without firing a shot?
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Monday, September 9, 2024
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
The New Vintage: The Resurgence of Versace Venetian Print Silk Shirts
The New Vintage: The Resurgence of Versace Venetian Print Silk Shirts: Think 1996, the Notorious B.I.G. and Sean “Diddy” Combs were cruising out on a speedboat while draped in Versace print silk shirts for the “Hypnotize” video. The baroque silk…
Monday, May 14, 2012
Is it possible you are the intercessor God is seeking or are you to busy complaining and condemning His divine order? These thoughts came through my study and listening to people giving their opinion on President Obama decision about gay marriage. I am heterosexual and I trust God knows exactly what He is doing. Yes Yes Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion but does everyone understand the process of Divine Order as it relates to your opinion. Is what is happening in our government today because the church world has lost sight on who the savior is and what His order is to the christian. Could it possibly be an Indictment against the church, you decide.
Ezek. 22:30 says And I sought for a man among them, that should
make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should
not destroy it: but I found none. He was looking for a man who would intercede
for the things happening in the ghettos and around the country but he found no
one, we too busy preachers talking about that’s so wrong the president
endorsing same sex marriages but the Lord said he came and found no one to
stand in the gap to make intercession for this country, Is it because we believe that we shall
receive power after the Holy Ghost is come up on us and we receive tongues and
all but we call the power witchcraft, or don't know how to exercise the power
that was poured out unto us, simply because for years we were taught that we
don't have it, but the scripture clearly states we shall receive power after
the Holy Ghost, perhaps we are
unfamiliar with it on this wise, are we operating in it?
Do you believe in the power that cast out
demons or heals the sick? The Lord is looking for someone who can stand in the
gap for America, for our black youth, for our ghettos, for this land, not being
critical of what he has placed before us, but preparing you for the next outpour
of the Holy spirit will you be one who stands in the gap or just preaching what
you think God is saying, you are a chosen generation, he made a promise to our forefathers
and he is not slack concerning his promises.
criticizing the President talking about he owe the black church and the world
an explanation. You’re not voting for
him, all that does it take you back to square one division. I am going to go as far as to say God chose
this man for His purpose. Just like God made you different because you are a symphony, he set somebody next
to you so you could see somebody different in order for you to see his power greater.
Cain and Able, Joshua and Caleb, Esau and Jacob, contrast, total contrast so
that God might be glorified, Moses and Aaron, President Barack Obama and Dr.
Martin Luther King they were all in agreement but the others were contrast
never the less they all were(are) the will of God. ..besides its the letter
that killeth but the spirit giveth life
we are no longer under the law because of Jesus.... stop trying to make
everyone like you.....roll over on your knees and stand in the Gap. Intercession is about birthing, and you're God's specialist, Or Are You?
Let me remind those of us who are Christians
that when the spirit of the Lord came in the upper room they were all on one
accord and that begin the birthing of a new nation. It is the prince of the air (satan) whose lot
is to infiltrate, divide and conqueror rather it is in government, your family,
your relationships or from yourself, did you know the devil could divide you
from yourself and as long as we don't exercise the power that is given to us he
will gain every time. This requires faith and if you exercise your faith
faithfully you can turn what looks like defeat into a testimony for your life’s
Kingdom which should be lived in the Kingdom of God.
God choose and uses plain old ordinary people read their views and continue reading to get clarity on ordinary people.
Ordinary peoples views:
Sue B makes an excellent argument as to why there might be an
indictment against the church.
May 12, 2012 at 2:36 am
My reply to Daystar “Christian” Television’s responsive rant and
misrepresentation of President Obama’s position is an appropriate reply to
Pastor Bryant.
Greetings to you,
I appreciate your response. Thank you. Now, with all due respect,
allow me to correct you. President Obama, (Daystar does know President Obama is
our President, what is with the “Obama”?) explicitly stated that marriage is a
state issue. Acknowledging the conflict between religious beliefs and equal
treatment in this instance, President Obama said that he would not interfere
with religious institutions or what those institutions chose to do with respect
to marriage equality. The fact is that Marcus grossly misrepresented, giving
him the benefit of the doubt, or he lied about our President’s position.
President Obama never said anything about “legalizing gay marriage”. Marcus’s
statement is the type of false communication that divides Christians and makes
people who are rightfully sensitive to racism suspect of improper, un Godly,
motives. A person or entity that refuses to correct a misrepresentation or lie
is not worthy of the public trust or the privilege of a public forum.
As a committed Christian, I am aware of what Scripture says about
homosexuality. I am also aware of what it says about adultery, fornication,
lying and judgment; all are “contrary to the Bible.” Moreover, I am aware that
the scripture says to “Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of
the poor and the oppressed.” -Psalm 82:3 I could go on about what the Holy
inspired word of God says about the poor but you get the message. Despite an
obstructionist Republican Congress whose enunciated goal is to make this
Administration fail, President Obama has held fast to scripture and not
waivered from his commitments.
“The next step is he and his team pushing states to get it legalized.”
Respectfully, neither our President nor his team has the authority to push
states to do anything as evidenced by the outcome of the recent North Carolina
vote. Marriage is a state issue and our President and his team have no
authority to influence states. My authority is the 10th Amendment and Supremacy
Clause of the United States Constitution. Where is the credible authority for
your statement?
Regarding your assertion “Whether Obama said I endorse same-sex
marriage or pushes to legalize it under the table; it is an ungodly union — it
is the same thing.” Again I respectfully disagree. It is not the same thing.
The first part of your statement is a misrepresentation or a lie and you
present no evidence to support for latter part. We agree that it
[homosexuality] is an ungodly union. Adultery and fornication are also unGodly
unions. Surely you Know an adulator or fornicator who God has forgiven?
Let’s agree to disagree over our President’s “flip flops”. Evolution
of position based on additional knowledge, information or soul searching is
positive, not negative. I am fairly certain that most Christians would agree
that evolution of thought and changes of heart are positive. Isn’t that
precisely how sinners come to Christ? Thank God America evolved from “[The
negro] has no rights which the white man is bound to respect.” Justice Roger B.
Taney, Dred Scott v. Sandford, (1857). How different our society could have
been if our revered founders adhered to the Bible as God’s benchmark, not
“color, race, political agenda,” when they memorialized in our founding
document that Black people were fractional human beings.
Yes, I am familiar with scripture. I’ve read and understand the
passage about “someone who causes someone to stumble”. A truthful answer to a
direct question will not cause anyone to stumble; the homosexual population
will not increase because of our President’s personal opinion. I am also aware
that God’s benchmark is the Bible. As you are aware, every President swears to
“preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”, not the
Bible. That includes the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, “[No
State] shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of
the laws.” Again, the choice of our revered founders.
?As for President Obama being the only sitting President who “EVER
endorsed homosexual activity”, you know that is a falsehood. President Obama
endorsed equal treatment under the law; no more, no less. He is the only
sitting President who has honored his oath to “preserve, protect and defend the
Constitution of the United States”. Courageous, wouldn’t you say
“What does asking Daystar, “… if we have discussed health care have to
do with Obama endorsing that which is contrary the Bible?” Glad you asked that
question; like homosexuality, it is a moral issue. Daystar professes that it is
speaking out because homosexuality is a moral issue, why the silence on health
care reform? Life is life; born lives and unborn lives. Roe v. Wade became the
law of the land in 1973, President Obama took office in 2009. How rational is
it to pin “millions of unborn babies are slaughtered every day” on President
It is ironic that the same people who promote the unborn are silent or
actively oppose health care laws and policies which preserve the lives of the
born. Protect them until they crown then throw a telethon and beg for cash to
buy wheelchairs and crutches if they are born with a handicap? Go figure.
As for how our tax dollars are spent, we agree with you 100%. I am
appalled by my tax dollars being used to invade a sovereign nation with no ties
to 9/11, no WMDs and no threat to America. I am appalled that my government
uses my tax dollars to subsidize oil companies and give tax incentives to
companies that lay off American workers and outsource American jobs. I cry when
I think of the 4,500 plus American lives lost, the tens of thousands maimed and
the countless number of innocent Iraqis killed or maimed for political gain.
God help us!
Another point of agreement is “spending billions of dollars we do not
have.” It is undisputable that the Bush Recession/Depression put our country in
dire economic straits. Squandering the Clintion surpluses, tax cuts to the
wealthy and unGody, unnecessary, war took a toll on our economy. Fact is, the
same people are still arguing that the tax cuts that were in effect during the
Bush Recession/Depression when our economy lost 800,000 jobs per month promote
economic growth, create jobs and stimulate the economy. Silly, isn’t it?
FYI Adulterous, fornicating, lying and/or homosexual preachers,
ministers, missionaries, evangelists, television hosts and those who turn a
blind eye to their unGodly behavior “knowing, willingly and openly endorse
sin.” “All unrighteousness is sin.” “A horrible tragedy and sending people to
hell … .” Thank God for the Blood of Jesus!
“The Lambs have given over $50 million dollars to needy and hurting
people around the world … ” Well paise God, because many of those dollars came
from needy and hurting people who support Daystar. “I feel that answers all
questions regarding caring about needy people.” I do not share your feeling.
Neither the Lambs nor Daystar has addressed the needless suffering and loss of
life related to lack of access to basic preventive health care and life saving
Like you, I reply in love. Therefore, I do not address your accusations
of “socialism,” … or against “those who don’t work, illegal immigrants and a
lot of other folks, … or [homosexuals] spreading disease, stealing lives from
healthy adulthood and a future from kids who are being sold into sex slavery
here and abroad … .” As mean spirited and un-Christ like as your statements
sound, even Christians have off days. Surely you do not attribute all these
societal ills to President Obama, people who don’t work e.g., the unemployed,
illegal immigrants or homosexuals? Aren’t socialists, the unemployed and
illegal immigrants included in God’s call for Daystar “to present the Gospel to
all Nation?” Aren’t they God’s children also?
“We [Daystar] almost never make political statements, but when we do,
it is our right and privilege to do so.” Not quite true. If Daystar pays taxes,
have at it. If not, it has neither right nor privilege.
Do I support homosexuality? Absolutely not, I do not support adultery,
fornication, lying, misrepresentation, either. “Are you standing up for same-sex
marriage?” No, I do not. Nonetheless, I do stand for equal treatment for all.
“Are you standing up for Obama?” Absolutely, proudly and unequivocally!
Want to talk sin? See link below.
29 Year Old Uninsured Woman Arrested For Trespassing In Hospital ER
After Complaining About Lack of Treatment, Dies On Jail Floor
Erhythmic Soul Child
May 12, 2012 at 11:21 am
We as a “people” only
account for 17+/- % of the population of the United States of America, and most
of what I am hearing and reading is that the “our” President had turned a blind
eye and a deaf ear to our needs…???? What is wrong with our people!!! I ask our
people of colour
to stop looking for a savior
to hang your hat of courage on. Such request should be given to
GOD not our President. He is
fighting for the equality of our country not a select few. He job of fixing the
problems of not just the last eight years but for the last 16 plus years.
Withhold your vote? Who will you hurt more, Our President or Our Country?
Many Blessings
May 11, 2012 at 8:47 pm
I think God and his son
Jesus loves all of us. How do we know this is not God orchestrating and
creating dialogue, forcing us to think about him and his word(s), like he
normally does. I think this is God’s GOTCHA…… And we are playing right into his
hand. We all know about the ministers, priests, choir directors, deacons, etc.
but, we still go to church and praise HIM not Obama. i will be voting for the
President, God has placed him here for a reason to move us FORWARD…
May 12, 2012 at 4:16 pm
All of us need prayer,
instead of criticizing our President for making a decision that was hard to do,
we should be Praying for him. Pastor Bryant should be advising his flock to be
in Prayer for the President, as well as our Nation.
Although, I do not agree
with the President’s decision, I understand that someone has to do it. I would
rather it be him, than anyone else. If we all play our positions, to the best
that we can than we would not live to rip and tear each other down. We could
live out the word of God as it instructs us to do.
God chooses Ordinary people....there are no
third class citizens in the body of Christ
We were not always holy......When you pray
for someone ask the Lord to do a permanent thing in them so they will never go
that way again which leads to destruction or wrong decision making in their
sinner will come where they know they can receive love you have to love them
through what they are going through no matter what it is, God changes the heart
of a man and when they aren’t ready to accept the change you intercede until
God says stop or the heart is renewed to follow after Him. Remember you were
not always Holy once your heart has been cleaned up you are obligated to go back
and tell others what God has done for you.
Your life should not be solely about you,
but about building relationship with Him. It is important to know who to take
your problems to and wait for the answers for they will come to you privately
and then He will make them known publicly.
Never minimize what He has done for your give your all no matter how
small it may seem to you. Some of the
worst times in your life could very well be designed as the best thing that
ever happened to you. Especially during
those stages you think He is not listening to you because of your difficulties,
He has a way of letting you know He doesn't care about your mishaps He just
want to know that you love him more than anything, people may exclude you from
their life but He will transform you from darkness into His marvelous life, just
pray it doesn't always have to be on your knees just move around and speak to
him walk with him in the cool of the day.
I dare you to give your all to Him, remember the song little becomes
much when you place it in the Masters hand.
There’s a birthing of a new relationship
with him inside you and birthing requires pain and maybe some suffering. You
are being unified with Him, people gather together and form a union but when
there is unity within the union it becomes strength and that’s how we can began
to change the face of our children, our ghettos, the war on drugs, and
inordinate policies against the poor and middle class citizens of any country.
We began to implore the supernatural power
of God to saturate every corner of the globe and everyone who is in position to
change will change, marches in the streets are fine to get attention but it
takes the power of God to go in and change the hearts of men through a unified
There is another phrase in a song that comes
to mind, Jesus you’re like the fragrance after the rain, relationship with
Christ changes your life not going to church and quoting scriptures you don't
hold to heart but a true relationship with Christ who makes intercession for
us, and those we intercede for, some people may be birth in your life for a
life time for you to make intercession to Jesus who in returns intercedes to
his father therefore if your living close enough to Him ; He will tell you what’s
coming before it comes. It may not be
easy but your affliction will be lighter, the devil meant for it to be harder,
but it won't be as hard as it could have been.
You see the fragrance always comes after the rain, you'll never get a
table prepared for you unless its in the wilderness. This is the power of God.
If it’s raining in your life this is not an act of satan it ‘s Gods preparation
for your call in the world, but tomorrow the
sun will shine, with joy we draw waters of the wells of salvation, You don't have to go to the bar and drink yourself
to death or to the dope house, become a drug dealer killing your own people,
all you have to do is try Jesus, you tried everything else and still wake up
empty.You don't ever have to go to Gods house and pretend he is there when he's not. Just remember God uses ordinary people Therefore we must align ourselves with his divine order, that will be
discussed in our next blog.
Monday, February 20, 2012
America, Black Men, Racism Keeping It Real
America, Black Men, Racism Keeping It Real
The word in these post are not mine but that of a Pastor friend of mine book entitled the Inheritance The Promise of Blood.
I’m quoting what I believe is important in the healing of not just the Black Male but America.
Don’t take this as a pastor concerned about church but as a man whom has been given a mandate to herald a message of transformation as well as one who understands the inheritance of the Black Male as it relates to the truth, his purpose in the earth and America. I’ll be jumping around a little bit in the post but you should still be able to follow.
“A transformation will be necessary to capture the heart of God for a people that appear to be forgotten.”
“The revelation of Cush’s inheritance had to be born out of transformation, and satan took great painstaking effort to hide it.” Anger, bitterness, pain, and frustration grip so many black men that it is difficult to hear the voice of God through such thick clouds of interference. God needs a matrix that has been purged of all the bells and whistles, all the fanfare to capture his heart, uninfluenced by any other drum beat, even death, to rattle the annuals of time. In understanding Inheritance, destiny becomes very clear and warns of the inclinations that were ensnared by satan. “
There are some ominous links to the origin of the black man that affects us today. The breach in family ethics and missing fathers had an origin, and the key to correction is in the same place, We are being consumed with the issue of race which obstructs our view.
The inheritance throws a search light on the evolution of the black church, not through its growth, but on the ills of the community. One of the most important considerations in this treatise is how most black scholarships, in its very worth while tractate, either omit God or identify Him as Allah(the black mans God), because of the obvious problems with Christianity duplicity in the past. Which is worth examining since some suggest Christianity is to diseased to address the welfare of the black man. To submit to it is to continue the slave mentality that anesthetized black people in the first place. The upside is the fact God has a plan for the black man and in it he may just be used to revive America…
Well Can God Raise A Dead Man? A chapter on who is the real hindrance to the black man resurrection. The conservative religious right is engendering a lot of negative feedback from people who need to understand we are their hope, and if the way they see us becomes adversarial, how do we reach them? This is about deliverance not condemnation. Lets make that clear before we go further.
The prophetic voice is the Inheritance God has given the Hamitic people, what Ham missed that was in the lions of his father, Noah which he disrespected and as a result never received the revelation that went with it. A gift out of order and a family brokenness until this day.
“This set the stage for a collage of gods under which black soldiers are gathering now, which is a proclivity toward stirring the Hamitic inclinations that event Babel, nothing else, further dividing the black community.
“It is our inheritance we must claim, not the machinations of the skin game. The prophetic voice is our inheritance, not the trappings of either political party, for neither one defines us; the assignment is among us and the mold is glory.
The first to blogs will be about Racism and its Factor
In an effort to minimize the problem of the black male, every aggrieved class has been linked with the black race Gays, Asians, Hispanic, White women, ect. In so doing it neutralizes the progress of black folks, for when consideration should have been given to blacks, any one of these groups could qualify for the benefits black people should receive. Who is the only race of people who were brought to this country in chains? This is something everybody wants to forget.
“The reality of the problem is that none of the others have paid the price black people have paid in American life and yet made tremendous contributions to what America is today.
The whole ideal of racism is personified in the black male: discrimination is about him, and it is he that the world targeted as not being worthy of any consideration. It was he that was considered 3/5th human, property to be bought and sold, of inferior mind, and incapable of competing in mainstream society. The Black male was accused of taking jobs from what was considered true, authentic Americans, he was the burden to America that was not worthy of voting rights or human rights, He was Trouble, and everybody new it (Trouble am I my brothers keeper or our current President) no matter what he did or how he strove to go beyond the call of duty, Trouble was never worthy. To spend time trying to prove you are okay is evidence you brought into the idea that whatever other people felt about you must be true. That is an awful recognition, but what is more troubling than that are the black folk who struggled not to be unworthy, when the truth is they never were. They had bought a lie."
"Ever seen a western when an oil baron, banker, or cattleman come into town, wanting everybody's land and working people to death for a little or nothing? This is the way it was right after slavery before any Jim Crow laws were established and the aristocracy paid poor white people whatever they wanted. When poor white people complained they were threaten with loosing their jobs. Then the tyrant would hire newly freed slaves for even less."
Hmm-mm kind of feel like current status quo are we still struggling? Yes but the question is why?
"When the aristocrat got word of the populist movement gaining momentum and pulling black and white together for fair wages, the elitist had politicians create laws forbidding any mingling of black and white people together. Subsequently, signs went up everywhere throughout the south designating colored and white on everything.This segregation was enforced fiercely."
Looks like racism, feel like racism but we haven't gotten to that topic yet.
I think this is an excellent book for Black History Month and a great study guide for the black male to understand who you are and why you are so hated . The truth in my eyes is that you are some of the riches minds I know but learning to execute it consistently is where this study and training material can assist. I know we have a Black President in the White House, and we have made some progress, yet there is a need to find favor among each other as well as with God. I've been seeing a lot of young black males coming to church but they need more than just a building they need to understand their richness as a people and the commission that's been granted to them as their inheritance.
Trouble really has the key to unlock the doors of the root of it all which was an economic demon, a financial windfall for those fortunate enough to be in the ranks of the chosen. What became racist was done by impecunious hubris trying to buy plutocracy at low prices_the contempt for the Negro. to maintain that status, a person only had to hate (today we're going to make sure this black President only gets one term even if it destroys this country in the process) someone else whose skin didn't look like his, even though he went to bed hungry some nights himself. Fed a continuous diet of this propaganda by the media nursed conceited egos and arrogance to an obesity of bigotry and hatred.(we see this currently through our news sources I wont name them but you know who they are)
Contempt that found no problem with the worst kind of murder had blinded people to their own deception. The real culprit was playing monopoly with all our lives through deception, division, and demise. that same impression was picked up by other blacks, who would work diligently to not be identified with Trouble. So much time and effort was spent on trying to blend and not look like menacing that we forgot what the real problem was. We launced classes to teach black folk how to walk, dress, act, and talk, so that we didn't look so uh uh uh well black. Even the Christ we accepted could, under no circumstances, ever be interested in the freedom of black people, so the worship-songs-and the praises-had to be about a promise or a celestial region. Any message about deliverance meant targeting the people who were responsible for the oppression mentality. That was a war not too many people were ready for, something even Dr. King was shocked to find in Montgomery.
This war automatically takes us away from the argument of being a victim or receiving handouts. It even delivers us from being stuck on prosperity, the things God says goes with a covenant people.
To act as if racism is not a factor in his holistic health is very unrealistic. Racism didn't choose a certain class of black men; neither does your financial status eradicate racism. No matter how prosperous we become, at some point we are all reminded that we're still black. I contend a generic message of deliverance does not and cannot address the mysterious, abysmal, and obscure predicament of the black man in America. The author is not saying that the church should adopt a social message, but neither should they be afraid of its involvement.
This book has more detail about the trips to South Africa, A prophetic word about Mandela which came to pass, a visit with the late Pastor Hayes who was the4 moderator for the Dutch Reformed Church, the suffering and sanctions against South Africa, the one President Ronald Regan attempted to veto. which was a tactic message to conservative white America, Christians need to right wrong, How shall they hear, The root of bitterness, The inheritance, the Opphan Heart, The Matrix of a Revelation, The Inheritace of The Heart, Hams assignment The Passover Plot Understanding Divine Order, Prosperity,The Healing Balm,and Singleness of the Soul, more under sub topics
To be continued
Express Your Thoughts, this is just a tip of whats to come...as the writer said he not hatin just lookin for trouble
Thursday, January 26, 2012
No matter who they choose, I commit to defeating Republicans in 2012e
No matter who they choose, I commit to defeating Republicans in 2012e: No matter who they choose, I commit to defeating Republicans in 2012: https://www.dccc.org/pages/committo2012
No matter who they choose, I commit to defeating Republicans in 2012e: No matter who they choose, I commit to defeating Republicans in 2012: https://www.dccc.org/pages/committo2012
AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY be clear on the democrats you vote for as well we don't want any undercover republicans acting as if they are behind the President and then turn Republican once elected.....Eyes Wide Open
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Women Today Good, Inspring, or Awful You Decide
Michelle Obama Talks About Being a Mentor
First Lady Michelle Obama drops by the Girls Mentoring November activity in room 430 of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Nov. 29, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Samantha Appleton)
GET Involved Read the Story Here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/02/02/michelle-obama-talks-about-being-mentor
My Question is how do you Spell Respect? We have a caring First Lady and President in office today, why not keep them there?
Michelle Obama Visits Grocery Store In LBD (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
School lunches are about to get much healthier. First Lady Michelle Obama and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that soon the meals will have less sodium, and will include more whole grains and more fruits and vegetables as sides. The new rules, which will go into effect in the 2012-2013 school year, will also allow schools to serve tofu and other soyfoods and soymilk to children who regularly consume them at home. Pizza will still be on the menu, but made with healthier ingredients.
Obama and Vilsack announced the new guidelines — the first major nutrition overhaul of school meals in more than 15 years — at the Parklawn elementary school in Alexandria, Virginia. Obama said that children who are on a sugar high or have a tummy filled with high-sodium, greasy food have difficulty focusing on their schoolwork.
Read More: http://bet.us/zsdn5R
Obama and Vilsack announced the new guidelines — the first major nutrition overhaul of school meals in more than 15 years — at the Parklawn elementary school in Alexandria, Virginia. Obama said that children who are on a sugar high or have a tummy filled with high-sodium, greasy food have difficulty focusing on their schoolwork.
Read More: http://bet.us/zsdn5R
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Americans Lets Prepare to Win!!!!
As the fight continues over a slew of new voting lawspassed by Republicans across the country in 2011 -- including requiring voters to present photo identification at the polls, a measure that could hurt Democrats in the 2012 presidential election -- the media and political scrum over the issue alone has caused major confusion in some key primary states.
In New Hampshire, various voting-rights groups are especially concerned that misinformation might affect voters in Tuesday's primary races.
Alright eveyone lets keep this sane and leave out the insanity we have to stick together
If you want to know whats going on with our President I say a good source would be MSNBC I watch the ed show most times and they pretty much tell it like it is and combat all the negative things being said about our president with facts to back it up.
We must learn to support those who are at least trying to make a difference.
I am going to keep saying this in my post we are said to be 99% vs 1% if the 99% of us go for one common goal then who has the power we do but if we divide then they win...
We are headed into 2012 we have to be positive about what we want to see happen in our country and take our voices our votes and make sure we re-elect a party that is going to be strong to look out for us, and even then they may not get it all right but at least we will be on the road to recovery.
Lets win everyone lets show these republicans that they aren't in control the way they think.
That's my prayer fight with power not with insanity because that gets the same results.
Lord bring more confusion within their own ranks like never before so that the things they sought to do to this country has more of an effect on them then the people who love you and the country we live in. Selah
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