Monday, February 20, 2012

America, Black Men, Racism Keeping It Real

America, Black Men, Racism Keeping It Real
The word in these post are not mine but that of a Pastor friend of mine book entitled the Inheritance The Promise of Blood.
I’m quoting what I believe is important in the healing of not just the Black Male but America.
Don’t take this as a pastor concerned about church but as a man whom has been given a mandate to herald a message of transformation as well as one who understands the inheritance of the Black Male as it relates to the truth, his purpose in the earth and America.  I’ll be jumping around a little bit in the post but you should still be able to follow.
“A transformation will be necessary to capture the heart of God for a people that appear to be forgotten.”    

“The revelation of Cush’s inheritance had to be born out of transformation, and satan took great painstaking effort to hide it.” Anger, bitterness, pain, and frustration grip so many black men that it is difficult to hear the voice of God through such thick clouds of interference. God needs a matrix that has been purged of all the bells and whistles, all the fanfare to capture his heart, uninfluenced by any other drum beat, even death, to rattle the annuals of time. In understanding Inheritance, destiny becomes very clear and warns of the inclinations that were ensnared by satan. 
There are some ominous links to the origin of the black man that affects us today. The breach in family ethics and missing fathers had an origin, and the key to correction is in the same place, We are being consumed with the issue of race which obstructs our view.
The inheritance throws a search light on the evolution of the black church, not through its growth, but on the ills of the community.  One of the most important considerations in this treatise is how most black scholarships, in its very worth while tractate, either omit God or identify Him as Allah(the black mans God), because of the obvious problems with Christianity duplicity in the past.  Which is worth examining since some suggest Christianity is to diseased to address the welfare of the black man.  To submit to it is to continue the slave mentality that anesthetized black people in the first place.  The upside is the fact God has a plan for the black man and in it he may just be used to revive America…

Well Can God Raise A Dead Man? A chapter on who is the real hindrance to the black man resurrection.  The conservative religious right is engendering a lot of negative feedback from people who need to understand we are their hope, and if the way they see us becomes adversarial, how do we reach them? This is about deliverance not condemnation.  Lets make that clear before we go further.
The prophetic voice is the Inheritance God has given the Hamitic people, what Ham missed that was in the lions of his father, Noah which he disrespected and as a result never received the revelation that went with it. A gift out of order and a family brokenness until this day.
“This set the stage for a collage of gods under which black soldiers are gathering now, which is a proclivity toward stirring the Hamitic inclinations that event Babel, nothing else, further dividing the black community. 
“It is our inheritance we must claim, not the machinations of the skin game.  The prophetic voice is our inheritance, not the trappings of either political party, for neither one defines us; the assignment is among us and the mold is glory.
 The first to blogs will be about Racism and its Factor
In an effort to minimize the problem of the black male, every aggrieved class has been linked with the black race Gays, Asians, Hispanic, White women, ect. In so doing it neutralizes the progress of black folks, for when consideration should have been given to blacks, any one of these groups could qualify for the benefits black people should receive. Who is the only race of people who were brought to this country in chains? This is something everybody wants to forget.
“The reality of the problem is that none of the others have paid the price black people have paid in American life and yet made tremendous contributions to what America is today.

The whole ideal of racism is personified in the black male: discrimination is about him, and it is he that the world targeted as not being worthy of any consideration. It was he that was considered 3/5th human, property to be bought and sold, of inferior mind, and incapable of competing in mainstream society. The Black male was accused of taking jobs from what was considered true, authentic Americans, he was the burden to America that was not worthy of voting rights or human rights, He was Trouble, and everybody new it (Trouble am I my brothers keeper or our current President) no matter what he did or how he strove to go beyond the call of duty, Trouble was never worthy. To spend time trying to prove you are okay is evidence you brought into the idea that whatever other people felt about  you must be true.  That is an awful recognition, but what is more troubling than that are the black folk who struggled not to be unworthy, when the truth is they never were.  They had bought a lie."
"Ever seen a western when an oil baron, banker, or cattleman come into town, wanting everybody's land and working people to death for a little or nothing? This is the way it was right after slavery  before any Jim Crow laws were established and the aristocracy paid poor white people whatever they wanted.  When poor white people complained they were threaten with loosing their jobs.  Then the tyrant would hire newly freed slaves for even less."
 Hmm-mm kind of feel like current status quo are we still struggling? Yes but the question is why?
"When the aristocrat got word of the populist movement gaining momentum and pulling black and white together for fair wages, the elitist had politicians create laws forbidding any mingling of black and white people together.  Subsequently, signs went up everywhere throughout the south designating colored and white on everything.This segregation was enforced fiercely."
Looks like racism, feel like racism but we haven't gotten to that topic yet. 
 I think this is an excellent book for Black History Month and a great study guide for the black male to understand who you are and why you are so hated .  The truth in my eyes is that you are some of the riches minds I know but learning to execute it consistently is where this study and training material can assist.  I know we have a Black President in the White House, and we have made some progress, yet there is a need to find favor among each other as well as with God.  I've been seeing a lot of young black males coming to church but they need more than just a building they need to understand their richness as a people and  the commission that's been granted to them as their inheritance. 
 Trouble really has the key to unlock the doors of the root of it all which was an economic demon, a financial windfall for those fortunate enough to be in the ranks of the chosen. What became racist was done by impecunious hubris trying to buy plutocracy at low prices_the contempt for the Negro. to maintain that status, a person only had to hate (today we're going to make sure this black President only gets one term even if it destroys this country in the process) someone else whose skin didn't look like his, even though he went to bed hungry some nights himself.  Fed a continuous diet of this propaganda by the media nursed conceited egos and arrogance to an obesity of bigotry and hatred.(we see this currently through our news sources I wont name them but you know who they are)
Contempt that found no problem with the worst kind of murder had blinded people to their own deception.  The real culprit was playing monopoly with all our lives through deception, division, and demise. that same impression was picked up by other blacks, who would work diligently to not be identified with Trouble. So much time and effort was spent on trying to blend and not look like menacing that we forgot what the real problem was. We launced classes to teach black folk how to walk, dress, act, and talk, so that we didn't look so uh uh uh well black.  Even the Christ we accepted could, under no circumstances, ever be interested in the freedom of black people, so the worship-songs-and the praises-had to be about a promise or a celestial region.  Any message about deliverance meant targeting the people who were responsible for the oppression mentality.  That was a war not too many people were ready for, something even Dr. King was shocked to find in Montgomery.
This war automatically takes us away from the argument of being a victim or receiving handouts.  It even delivers us from being stuck on prosperity, the things God says goes with a covenant people.
To act as if racism is not a factor in his holistic health is very unrealistic. Racism didn't choose a certain class of black men; neither does your financial status eradicate racism. No matter how prosperous we become, at some point we are all reminded that we're still black. I contend a generic message of deliverance does not and cannot address the mysterious, abysmal, and obscure predicament of the black man in America.  The author is not saying that the church should adopt a social message, but neither should they be afraid of its involvement.
This book has more detail about the trips to South Africa, A prophetic word about Mandela which came to pass, a visit with the late Pastor Hayes who was the4 moderator for the Dutch Reformed Church, the suffering and sanctions against South Africa, the one President Ronald Regan attempted to veto. which was a tactic message to conservative white America, Christians need to right wrong, How shall they hear, The root of bitterness, The inheritance, the Opphan Heart, The Matrix of a Revelation, The Inheritace of The Heart,  Hams assignment The Passover Plot Understanding Divine Order, Prosperity,The Healing Balm,and Singleness of the Soul, more under sub topics

To be continued
Express Your Thoughts, this is just a tip of whats to the writer said he not hatin just lookin for trouble